evangelist randy roberts
evangelist randy roberts
Randy Roberts Evangelistic Ministries
Randy Roberts Evangelistic Ministries


Welcome Dear Guests, 

Please feel free to sign our guestbook through our Contact Page.

Go to Contact page and send us an e-mail following the instructions.

  Entries will be added within a few days of receiving the message.

  Look forward to hearing from you.  Randy & Kathie

10/15/18  (Service at Highland Baptist Church, Dennis, MS)


Your service tonight really touched my heart. Parts of it felt as though u was talking to me. I was saved when I was younger and I got baptized a couple years ago. But my heart wasn’t right, I was still living a way I shouldn’t be. God woke me up with my wreck, he could have took me that day but he didn’t and I know there is a purpose. I really want my 2nd change to be the me I am and do right by people.


Kayla Durham Upton



                In response to a one day or two day revival meeting.


                As a pastor for over 45 years of my life, I have always sought revival for my pastorates. I have seen God work in marvelous ways. But revivals have changed over the years from 2 week to 1 week to the 3 day and now the 1 day (being Sunday only). I have found that people are too busy with all the obligations of life that they will not come to revival meetings throughout the week. There was a time that the church was the center of the community; where people met and enjoyed fellowship with each other. When a need arose in the community the church responded. The community school respected the church’s schedule of Wednesday night as a church night. But today our school system plans events (sports, concerts, & such) on Wednesday nights. So what must we do to reach our community again? Let me suggest some ideas that Brother Randy gave us concerning one day Revival.

1.Prayer times – 5:00 prayer times before your Sunday night service for at least 2 weeks (I prefer a month in advance).

2.List of people to pray for


  1. out of church 
  2. great burdens on the hearts, use cards for people to fill out and then make a prayer list to hand out on Wednesday night and place in Sunday’s bulletin
  3. have a deacon prayer meeting and pray over the list.
  4. Encourage people to pray over the list each day.
  1. Prayer Day Time Calendar – week before Revival with specific times for people to sign up and pray through the day and the night for Revival.
  2. Place the Prayer Cards on the alter for two weeks before Revival and encourage the people to come during Invitations to pray over the names.
  3. During the hour before Sunday night service pray over the pews, asking God to fill it and speak to each person who will be sitting there.

Now, as you consider having a one day Revival

  1. Always have your music planned and geared for revival
  2. If you have a choir – sing morning and night of the revival
  3. Always have songs of inspiring, exciting and biblical

Thoughts of how to reach people to come out

  1. Always advertise using your local paper, radio stations
  2. Flyers, cards – encourage people to hand them out (3x5 card is always easier and more effective)
  3. Social media – Facebook, web page, newsletter

Be sure to take good care of your evangelists. Pray and give so God can continue to use him in his ministry.


We had a great revival at our church. It has helped us to begin our new church year with excitement and focus.


Pastor Michael Kent

Lively Stones Baptist Church

Pelham, NC



Hello Bro Randy,

I hope that you can remember me. I know a man such as yourself travels a lot and meets quite a few people, so I'm sure it is easy to forget someone you haven't seen in a long time. Last time I saw you, we had a nice conversation, and you gave me your card. You also told me, "Get those kids in church." I wanted to let you know what is going on in my life and what has developed since we last spoke.

First, I am married now. My lovely wife, Robin, was actually raised in a Pentecostal church, and she is an extremely godly woman. I will admit that for the first over year and a half of our relationship, I did not attend church (other than one time on Easter). I typically worked Sunday mornings, and I managed to use that as an excuse to not attend church at all: "I work every Sunday morning until 2:00pm, so I'm too tired by the time night church rolls around, too!" This was a fitting excuse that I used to evade church for 6 years. Even Robin accepted this excuse for a long time. Eventually, it weighed on her heart that we need to become church members. I fought it for the longest time, literally months, telling her the same excuse and that I didn't want to go back to church. Finally, I relented and visited a church with her. She and I have been going since! 

Second, I now have four children. Of course, when I first started seeing Robin, we already had Maxwell Eaton, Rachel Eaton, and Andrew Sisco. They are technically stepchildren of mine, but I love all of them as my own. Also, on June 12, 2018, Robin, the kids, and I welcomed our 4th children into this world, Levi Grooms! 

The oldest of our children, Maxwell, is 8 years old. He is extremely intelligent, and he actually was baptized last year in the name of our Lord. As soon as he could fully understand the meaning behind salvation and baptism, Maxwell was eager to accept God. 

I now work a job that I love at a local cable company in Booneville, MS. I majored in Information Systems Technology, and now I work for MaxxSouth Broadband as a Technical Support Specialist. I am very happy with my life and the position that I am in! God has truly blessed me!

I believe that would be the main reason I wanted to send you this email. I wanted to let you know that there was a long time where I feel that I was astray. However, as with most people, with the help of God (and a good woman), I am on a much more straight and narrow path than before, albeit imperfect.

You have always been an important person in my spiritual life. I remember the confused teenager walking into East Corinth Baptist Church to hear you speak. I knew nothing of what God was really about, but I learned that night through your well-spoken, passionate sermon that I needed to accept Christ into my life. As I hope you recall, it wasn't long before my brother was attending, along with my mother and father. There was a revival started at that church, and I feel honored that I was a part of it. Although I went astray for a period of time, I am proud that I am back on a better path for God and that I am teaching those same ways to my sons and daughter. 

I have attached a picture, and I hope that you enjoy this email, Bro. Randy.


God Bless You,

Marshall Grooms

5/21/18  Hey Randy it is so good to see you on face God bless you give Kathy my love Love you. Margie Joyce 

5/21/18 Hey Randy praying for you Brother.  Mark Ligon

5/21/18   Praying for both of u. Love u. Ann Price


I have had Bro. Randy in revival at both churches I have pastored (twice at both places). After all four revivals our churches have seen spiritual growth and people saved during the meetings as well. The second time we had Bro. Randy in revival at South Nettleton Baptist Church, in Nettleton, MS we experienced true revival. Members got things right with other members and after that revival, we saw 9 people saved and 18 joined during an 8 month span. This past February I had Bro. Randy in revival at First Baptist Inverness in Inverness, MS. Since those meetings (3 months) we have seen 3 people saved and we have had 11 people join our church. Bro. Randy is the primer that God uses to bring revival to churches while he is there preaching, but he also uses Bro. Randy to position your church for the future. I challenge any pastor that is reading these messages to truly consider having Bro. Randy and his precious wife in revival. 

Bro. Bryan Burge
Pastor @ FBC Inverness Inverness, MS

The Testimony Of My Life

            My life used to be all about which friend I could please the most. How can I make this person or that person like me more. I didn't care about who else I was hurting as long as somebody was calling me "friend". I was completely consumed with pleasing everybody else, that I forgot about the most important person...God!

            I was raised in church, knowing and loving God was like breathing. We just did it, as sort of like a second nature. Then as a pre-teen I started to develop my own opinion of everything, including God. In my adolescent mind all I needed were my peers. As I entered into my teen years I began to give into peer pressure. This friend was denying God, so would I. That friend was cursing, so was I. As you can imagine this led me into a downwards spiral. Emotionally, physically, and worst of all...spiritually. In my later teen years I was the furthest from God than ever. I was living with a boy I was not married to. We were involved in things we had no business messing with. At the age of 18 I was trying different drugs. Shortly after turning 19 I attempted to take my own life. That was the first time God tried to reach out to me.

            My mom and dad have always been my solid rock. So they brought me home and brought me back to my senses. For a couple of months, I just passed through life almost robotically. Then one day in November I started talking to a guy I met on a Christian dating website. After just six short weeks we got married. In September of 2012 I had my first child. Then after 15 months I had my second child. Life was pretty good. I attended church with my new family. I followed the word of God somewhat. I thought I was going to Heaven just because I was a better person than before.

            Then when my son was just 1 month old he was hospitalized. He was having seizure like symptoms/activity. I immediately started to blame God and I even hated Him. How could He let such a terrible thing happen to such a small innocent child? Then after 8 long nights in the NICU we finally had some answers. R.J was not having seizures but his tiny little body just didn't understand how to react to acid reflux. It was an answered prayer but the devil had my sight towards God hazy and negative.
A few months later I found out some very unforgiving things about my husband. Things that showed me that this was NOT the man I thought I loved. This led to our separation and later our divorce.

            For 2 years I lived with my parents. I went to church and obeyed God. Only I was not saved. I couldn't understand how or why God could ever forgive me. I mean, after all God's word does say He hates divorce.

            Then in October of 2017 I attended a revival at Pleasant Plains. Where Preacher Randy Roberts preached from 2nd Corinthians. One verse specifically grabbed me and held on for dear life. 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (NKJV)

            It was then that I heard God almost as if He were sitting beside me. "I have already forgiven you, now forgive yourself and come back to me child". As soon as preacher Todd finished the benediction and opened up the alter I almost ran to him. I talked to him about my sins, how to forgive myself, and how to come back to Christ. He told me the Bible says "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".

            After plenty of prayer I have forgiven myself and dedicated myself to God. My life now is so fresh, so new, and so different. Yes, the devil still tempts me into thinking God doesn't love me or want me. But I know better than that, I am His, Forever. I know that I know that I know that I am saved by the mercy and glory of the Lord my God! Thank God for His forgiveness!

Karissa Kelly

Pleasant Plain Baptist Church

Kershaw, SC









                                                     Ms. Shirley's Baptism


Since our revival, I started examining my relationship with the Lord. I was saved as a young girl, was baptized and became a member of the church. I always thought I was saved. Our revival began on October 13, and was supposed to end on the 15th. Our pastor felt we should extend it because he felt God working in our church. All the next week as Preacher Roberts was preaching, he talked about people who had gone to church all their lives and thought they were saved, but weren’t. Our pastor had been telling us for a long time that we needed to write our testimony. So, on Monday, October 23, 2017, after I did my daily Bible study, I decided to write mine. I sat with my pen in hand and after a while, I said to God, “I don’t have one.” I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing myself say, but it was true! I didn’t have a testimony. My husband and I have been married for 44 years, had two children, and raised them in church.  They were saved and baptized, and now they are married and I have two grandchildren.  All this time, I thought I was saved. After my husband passed away, I went through a hard time, and my sister invited me to come with her to church. She is a devoted Christian, and she knew what I was going through. I eventually moved my church membership to Pleasant Plain, and I’m so thankful I did. Our revival ended on October 21, and on the 23rd was when I realized how my life was. I repented of all my sins, and asked God to forgive me. After I prayed, I had such a peace come over me that I have never felt before, and such joy in my heart!  After a singing at our church on October 29th when we had our invitation, I could hear the Lord telling me to go down and talk to our pastor.  I felt His Presence so strong that I couldn’t wait to get down that aisle and tell Preacher Todd.

After each service he (Preacher Todd) would always ask, “Are all hearts and minds clear?” I couldn’t say yes, but now I can.  He always says to make sure that you know, that you know, that you know you’re saved.  I know without a shadow of doubt that I am saved, and will spend eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. I am going to be baptized again and all my sins are washed away. I am living proof at the age of 72, so it’s never too late to ask God to forgive you and save you! All those years, I thought I was saved but I wasn’t. I wish my husband was here to share this with me, but my children and grandchildren are and for that I am thankful. God is so good and I am thankful that He never gave up on me. My heart is still so full of joy, and overflowing. I can honestly say the greatest gift in the world was given to me and that’s a life of praising God, thanking Him for what He had done for me and is still doing for me.  I am blessed beyond measure. I’ve never known such joy and happiness as I do now.  Who am I to deserve God’s love and forgiveness? God gave His only Son to die on the cross that we could be saved. I was so blinded by Satan that I couldn’t see. Now that I am a Christian, I ask myself how could I have been so blind from age 13 to age 72. It’s amazing how God can work in our lives and remove the scales from our eye. I wasn’t a bad person, I was just comfortable in what I thought I had, which was nothing but now I have everything! Sunday as our ushers were taking up our offerings, God told me to go down and tell Preacher Todd right then that I couldn’t wait any longer to make my profession of my faith. I couldn’t wait until I got up out of my pew and go down and tell Todd I had to do it right then, I couldn’t wait until the invitation. That will always be the most precious time in my life.

In Christ Love, this is the testimony of Mrs. Shirley Edwards










Ms. Shirley with Pastor Todd & Ms. Sharon Montgomery

Hello Mr. Roberts.
I am the young gentleman that played the bass guitar at Mt. Pisgah Baptist. I really enjoyed the revival services we had. I know that God was moving and is still moving in my heart as well as the church. Thank you so much for your prayers. I have been going through a struggle. God has seen me through it and I give Him the praise. 
Jeffrey T. Harden

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church

Supply, NC

Hi Brother Randy 
Great to see you and Kathie again. Enjoyed both services at LSBC. Thanks for prayer. Love you and praying for you!
Bill Powell

Lively Stones Baptist Church


Greetings in Christ's name, Brother Randy and Sister Kathie!  We just wanted to drop you a short note to thank you for the wonderful and fulfilling revival services just concluded at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Supply, NC.  You have challenged us to be even more involved in our church.  As the Sunday School teacher of the Senior Adult class, I am even more inspired to dig deeper into the Scriptures and to emphasize evangelism and reaching out to the lost people all around us.  Please know that we will continue to pray for you as you continue your ministry and we would covet your prayers as well.  May GOD richly Bless you both as we all continue to watch the Eastern sky!


Jay and Mary Houston

Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church

Supply, NC


I want to say if you wasn't at Forest Grove Missionary Baptist Church tonight you missed a true blessing. Bro. Randy Roberts is preaching God's Word the rest of the week at 7pm nightly . Come out and join Bro. Randy Roberts as he bring God's word .

Brandon Robertson


We are so blessed to have Bro Randy Roberts preaching our revival at Forest Grove this week. He and his precious wife Kathie are very special. We are excited to see what the Lord has for us the rest of this week, and see the fruit that will be harvested because of their faithfulness through this revival. 

Angie Rickard


Dear God, please be with Randy and Kathie as they are traveling the roads. And thank you for all the past traveling mercies you have granted these two precious souls. God you are so faithful to them, keeping them safe, we just want to praise you and say thank you as humbly as we know how. Bring them back to us and continue your blessings on them. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.    Love you both Carolyn Williams

Oops!! Thank you & Amen!

Love you and Kathie and praying for souls to be saved.  God bless you both and keep you safe.

Carolyn Williams

Reidsville, NC

ops!!!! P.S. Lord grant them souls for their labor angood fellowship 


Dear Randy and Kathie,
The Lord went beyond my greatest expectations. Glory to God to have five people accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and one to join our church family and many people coming forward to pray and cry out to the Lord was unbelievable. I have got the spiritual can't help its and I am not the only one! Thank You Father for the way you anointed Randy to preach the Gospel. God has gifted you to reach people of all ages. Oh mercy what a blessing you and Kathie have been to our church family.
I want other pastors and churches to know we had our revival services on a Friday and Saturday night at 7 and Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11:00 and all the services were well attended.
We are still rejoicing and still experiencing revival. Oh God how great Thou art!!!!!

Bro. Randy Jessup - Pastor

First Baptist Church

Mayodan, NC


Bro Randy and sister Kathie what a blessing to have y’all at the service tonight. Thank GOD for men like you and all the prayers. You have inspired me and Pam to start a prayer jar and for  just being a blessing to talk to. You are going to be my mentor.  Love both of you in the LORD looking forward to our next service.

Pastor Jerry Manuel

Riverside Baptist Church

Sandy Ridge, NC


To Our Evangelistic Pastor Randy:

Our God has sent you to this place of worship,
To lead us in the way of the Holy Spirit,
To teach us from His word,
And we will try to do our best to fast and pray until our Master comes for us.
You are always ready and willing to share a comforting thought and a smile.
We thank you for your ministry,
Your guidance and your care.
His greatest blessings for your life
Is our most humble prayer.
Thank you for your love of Christ and sharing it so wonderfully.

To Pastor's Wife:

When we thank God for your wife,
We must give Him thanks for two.
For when your husband came to us,
God also sent us you.
And we say thanks for all you do
and lift you up in prayer.
Your presence blesses all of us
Who know you from day to day.
As our pastor’s wife, you are
Serving God in a fine and worthy way.
I believe the two most important things I have learned during this revival:  God is still on the move, we just have to get aboard the train and I am going to have a good time when I come to church.

Love you my new brother and sister in Christ,
Ms. Evon

First Baptist Church

Mayodan, NC


Beautiful Service, Great Music. Wonderful Message Randy Roberts. (Strong Leaders, Prayer Warriors, and Involved Members). I am not likely to forget this comparison: Joining the church and then not attending is like getting married and not wanting to go home. It doesn't make sense. ( I am sure I did not say it as well as you did.)

Tommy & Rita Fagg


Brother Randy, thank you for all the praying that you and Kathie are doing for others. It has inspired me to do the same. You can be sure that we are praying for your ministry daily.

Pastor Wayne Moore

High Point Baptist Church

Stuart, VA


Really enjoyed the service last night. Randy Roberts was at my mother's church for two years. I really enjoy listening to him.

Tommy & Rita Fagg


Thanks Randy Roberts, for sharing God's word through your wonderful messages this week at Willow Oak. Always a blessing to have you there. Pray that God will continue to bless you and Kathie as you go out to serve Him. Hope you will be back to see us very soon!! Cathy Lovette

I would like to thank Randy and his wife, Kathie, for having a wonderful  Revival  at Chapel  by  the  Bay  in Surf City, NC .  March 27 -30.   I truly believe  that Randy has a heart for God and a love to see souls won to Christ  Jesus.  I pray their travels and their ministry stays strong!

George Webb


As the Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, I cannot say enough of what a blessing this year’s revival was and means to us as a Church and community.  It has really set the tone to finish out 2015 strongly and continuing to press forward in 2016. 

      I would like to share with you on what I believe made this year’s revival so special.  Since the day of booking Brother Randy I began praying. We have a prayer group that meets on Fridays’ and two months prior to the revival; we began to pray as a group.  One month prior to the revival, I had the congregation bring forward prayer request for the lost and un-churched.  The whole month I placed those names at the altar and prayed over them. I also prayed to our Lord for Brother Randy.  The month before revival I had Weds, and Sunday night services start 30 minutes early encouraging the congregation to pray for a spiritual awakening and revival.  We would conclude in a prayer walk throughout God’s house and praying for each individual that God would send.  I testify before you Brothers and Sisters that God answered my prayers.  Everyone present each night and especially the members of  Grace Baptist Church got to witness how God uses His Holy Spirit to empower any service that is dedicated for His glory and fulfilling His purposes.

    If you are looking for a man of God who believes in prayer. A Godly man who understands and believes to allow God to use him to fulfill God’s purpose; then you need to look no further than Pastor Randy Roberts.  Praise God that he has a devoted wife who loves the Lord, prays for the churches, pastors, services, and is by his side to greet each and every person present.

    On a personal note, as a new Pastor to Grace Baptist in March 2015, Brother Randy was quick to reach out to me.  He has and continues to be a faithful prayer warrior, someone I know and trust because of his love for Jesus, and a great mentor.   A man of God who understands his calling in life and has a special burden for the Lost.  He does not use his feelings but preaches straight from the Word of God.  God has giving him a gift that allows him to preach to all ages.  He is able to use God’s truth while using illustrations to emphasis the application of God’s Word to our lives today. This is not a man consumed by worldly desires but lives his life loving the Lord, and loving others just as our Lord commands us to.  Brother Randy and his wife share a servant’s heart and I strongly recommend them for your next revival.   May God continue to use them and May God bless you. 

   Rev. Eddie McClure

   Grace Baptist Church,

   Madison N.C.

To anyone looking for a God called, Holy Ghost preacher, this is your man. My people fell in love with him as he challenged them on every point of being a child of God. His wife is so sweet and keeps everything going, always with a smile. If you want to see change in the church then look no more.


Jamie Matthews, Pastor

Corinth Baptist Church

Heidelberg, MS


Dearest Randy and Kathie,
I pray this finds you both doing well and still going strong on the firing line for Jesus. Words could never express just how much we love you both. You are a true blessing to all of us, and we thank the Lord that He allowed our paths to cross. We will ever be praying for you both as you are about the Lord's work. Please keep in touch and send any special prayer requests our way. Love you both!!!

Shannon Robinson
and Clint, Blake, and Weston:)

Calvary Baptist Church

Mountain City, TN


The Lord greatly blessed Beaver Island Baptist Church and the community during our 2015 March Revival services with Randy and Kathie Roberts.  Our church began praying for these services and for the Roberts in the fall of 2014 to prepare the hearts of all those who would attend our March Revival and others who would be spiritually impacted by what the Lord wanted to do in our church and community thru this ministry outreach.  Prayer is a necessity for revival and what God commands to do in His Kingdom.  Without prayer, we should not expect much concerning revival.  Thru prayer, God moves in Revival in His magnificent ways!

Without question, we saw the Lord working in His people and among the spiritually lost during our revival services and since those days in March.  During the services, 2 youth surrendered their lives to Jesus.  Another older gentleman came forward recommitting himself to Christ. Even after the revival services another youth came to Christ a few weeks later! Others have been spiritually changed while spiritual maturity continues to be seen thru these months of sowing in Prayer before, during and after the revival services with Brother Randy. 

There is no question that Randy fears and trembles before the LORD God Almighty and preaches passionately with zeal for the Lord!  Randy's messages are straight from God's Holy Word and easily understandable for all ages.  Multiply people from numerous congregations came to our services while some churches have asked Randy to come preach revivals in their churches after hearing his passion for Jesus and witnessing God moving at Beaver Island.  Randy and Kathie each demonstrate a Christ-like love for each other and people.  They truly are called together as a husband and wife serving the Lord thru their evangelistic ministry.  It was complete joy to host them during our days together at Beaver Island and to see their desire for people to be changed by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the Lord completely in full surrender and joy as members of the Body of Christ in God's Kingdom. 

Beaver Island has scheduled another March revival with the Roberts in 2017.  As Pastor, I recommend all churches to invite Randy to preach revivals in their churches and for pulpit supply when possible.  In these days when many continue to turn away from God and more churches continue to decline and close down, it is a sure guarantee that Randy will come ready to preach God's Word clearly and effectively thru the Holy Spirit for God's Glory and for God's Kingdom to continue growing and for the Body of Christ to flourish.

Prayer is a necessity for Revival in Christ the Lord.  Randy is a humble, praying man after God's heart.  I encourage all churches to sow in prayer months ahead of revival services with great expectations for the Lord to do great things in His Kingdom.  We did that at Beaver Island and saw God do great things in the revival with Randy and Kathie.  We continue to pray this way and are already are preparing thru prayer for March 2017 expectantly in Christ when the Roberts will join us again

Pastor David Cox
Beaver Island Baptist Church
Mayodan NC


I just want to take this opportunity to thank Bro Randy and Ms Kathie for their service to Lord. I have known them for more than 20yrs and they have been a great blessing to my family and my ministry. The first Revival meeting that Bro Randy preached here at Calvary resulted in 5 professions and 14 joining the Church. I have continued to invite Randy at least every other year and we have experienced great moves of God with each meeting. I pray for Bro Randy and Ms Kathie each day and wholeheartedly recommend him to other Pastors at every opportunity. Thank you both so much for all your love and support throughout the years. Looking forward to seeing you in September!

Pastor Steven Spencer
Calvary Baptist Church
Mountain City, TN


I have to tell you, my son Dylan had to make a poster board missionary project for his Wednesday night class and as he was putting your prayer card on his board he said "Hey, that's my buddy! You know that card we have of his on the side of our refrigerator? Well he gave that to me cause he's my buddy. I wonder when he will come back?"
Thought you might enjoy hearing that.  :-) Hope to see you guys soon!

Amanda Richie

Crow Baptist Church

Beaver, WV

I just want to write a statement about Bro. Randy Roberts.  I have known Bro. Randy for about ten years, I helped move him to Tishomingo, Mississippi. He and Kathie became great friends to my wife and me.  Brother Randy worked close to me here in our Association.  We worked on getting the Word in our Churches through doing revivals back to back.  I learned one thing working with him,  he is a man of God and he preaches the whole Word of God, not just part of it.  I would recommend him to any church for revivals.  He will not hurt the church, but he will preach the true gospel.
Bobby E. Cobb
Association Missions Director
Tishomingo County


I have known Randy for over 15 years.  We have become good friends during this time.  We talk often.  He is an encourager.  He was a good pastor and has the heart of a pastor.  He is a good preacher and preaches God’s word.  He preaches for decisions and loves to see the lost come to Christ.  He preached at our semi-annual Elkin associational meeting and did a good job.  Our people enjoyed hearing him.  You will find Randy easy to work with.  I would recommend him to you for a revival speaker or to speak at any evangelistic event. 


If I can be of further help, please call me at 336-835-8433. 


Johnny Enloe

Elkin Baptist Association

Associational Missionary

Elkin, NC

January 8, 2015

For those Pastor’s, Directors of Missions, etc., who will be planning, Revivals, Conferences, etc., during the next few years. I would like to recommend Rev. Randy Roberts a revival or conference speaker. Rev. Roberts spoke at two revivals in the Polk Baptist Association, in the last few years. He spoke at the Coopers Gap Church and in 2014, he spoke at our Fall Associational Revival. Randy and wife Kathie are delightful Christians and Kathie accompanies him as he travels in revivals. We lodged them in the local Days Inn, near the church, where our revival was held. Randy preaches anointed Bible message that speaks to the needs of the people for renewal and for salvation. Randy has the  ability to gather the fruit, without injuring the tree. You would, do you and your people good to use brother Randy Roberts in a revival or Bible conference. If you need more information, please email at asocpba@windstrem.net or at 828-289-4037 on my cell.



Rev. J. Hubert Street

Mission Director Polk Baptist Association

PO Box 711, Columbus, NC 28722



November 11, 2014

Hi Pastor Randy & Sweet Kathie ! 
           It is, as always, so great to hear from y'all.  I'm excited about the Revival in AK at Bethany Baptist. So wonderful to hear about someone giving their life to The Lord !
Randy, you're such a Blessing ! I really do hope you can come back to Jennies Branch & Preach another AWESOME Revival for us.  I miss you and Kathie so much. I know that everyone at our Church feels the same way. I have felt such a connection to you two the first time you did our Revival. I have Thanked God many times for letting our Paths cross, and for the wonderful Blessings I received thru your messages ! Thank you for everything you & Kathie do in your Ministry. I will continue to Pray for your Safety as you travel, spreading God's word with Revival !
                                                                                          Blessings !
                                                                                       Scottie Whisnant


Bro. Randy and Sister Kathie,
I wanted to drop a quick email to let you know how much we where blessed by you in our church this week. My family and I where only able to make it for the Tuesday night service due to some colds and sore throats with the kids and I. However,
that night was a wonderful experience in the Lord and the Holy spirit was moving in our church.
We pray that God continue to increase your ministry and we pray that many more people will know the saving grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because of the obedience you have shown to the Lord, by preaching and teaching his word.
I want you to know that I have one of your cards at my office and I will pray daily that God continue the good work he has began in your lives.
God Bless
Brian, Kim , Jaxson and Rheyma Pruett
Bethany Baptist Church
Blytheville, Arkansas


Randy and Kathie:  Lila and I are so blessed to be able to call you friend.  What a joy you were to our church in Green Bank, WV.  The 60 year old man that was saved during that revival in a very vital part of that small congregation even today.  May God continue to bless your efforts as you proclaim His Word.  Paul Murdock.


We enjoy hearing your messages from the heart and seeing the Love that you have for God and his people. Our last meeting at Butters Baptist Church was a true joy and even kept our 4yr olds attention. He wants to go back so he can see you. WOW! Our hearts are full. Til our next meeting here, there or in the air.


Dan, Cristy, Joshua and Wesley Bruce

Lumberton, NC


I would like to take this time to thank both Randy and Kathie for letting God use them to spread the Word and letting the Holy Spirit speak through them. We had Randy to preach our 2013 Fall Revival, everyone enjoyed it so much they requested to have Randy come back in 2014 (which he did).
Appreciate Randy preaching the Word and it not being watered down. One of the good parts about his messages, all ages can understand it and are interested in attending the Revivals. During the 2013 Revival, we had one gentleman that was working out of town and each night he would tell me ‘I may not be able to get here tomorrow night’. Each night he & his family showed up & would tell me ‘I told them at work, I had to leave early to attend revival!’.  I have had youth also state how they enjoyed listening to Randy because they understood his message.
I have received so many good comments from those that have attended the revivals. One night I counted and we had about 10 different churches represented in the congregation. Randy is passionate about the love of Christ. He is truly concerned for those that have not accepted Christ, and clearly preaches the plan of Salvation. Those that have accepted Christ, it is a true revival in sense that those that are Christians, are encouraged to ‘keep on keeping on’!

With Christian Love,

Danny J. Joyce
Grace Baptist Church (Madison, NC)


Brother Randy Roberts is truly an evangelist at heart. He believes that Revival for our nation will begin in the local church and the result will be souls added to the Kingdom of God. Randy preaches from the heart with a passion for the Christian to have a closer walk with God and the lost sinner to experience the miracle change that only God can perform. His sermons are always true to the Scriptures and anointed by the Holy Spirit. There are many that can testify of the power of God’s Word transforming lives through this man of God. I am one that has been blessed with his encouragement as well as his friendship. I would recommend him to any church, large or small, that desires to see the hand of God working in their lives. Kathie Roberts is a great example of a humble servant wife. She is so supportive of this ministry as well as an encouragement to the women of the church. I am thankful to call them my friends and co-laborers in Christ Jesus.

Tommy Puryear Pastor:

Penn Memorial Baptist Church

Reidsville, NC


Having pastored the same church for over thirty-five years, I have learned that finding and inviting new evangelists can be fraught with dangers and problems.  When a pastor friend of mine highly recommended brother Randy Roberts, I took his suggestion and invited brother Roberts.  I am so thankful that I did.  Brother Randy is a down to earth preacher and evangelist.  God has greatly used him to be a blessing to our church.  I can assure you that he is a man of God, who preaches the Word of God by the Spirit of God.  I wholeheartedly recommend him to you for your prayerful consideration to have him come preach revival services for your church.


Pastor Terry Hagedorn
Calvary Baptist Church
Reedsville, WV
Ph. 304-864-3870


It was my honor to share a revival service with Brother Randy in NC. My how the Lord moved in that service!  We had a great service and the holy spirit was moving in the place!  If you ever have the chance to hear Brother Randy, you need to take it!  He is a great man of God and you will leave rejoicing!! 

Jonathan Bledsoe
Jonathan Bledsoe Ministries

January 8, 2015

I have had the priviledge of having Randy at our Church for three Revivals.  He and Kathie are loved and consider friends at Jennies Branch Baptist Church.
Randy is solid with his preaching and captures your attention with his heart felt delivery.  I will have him back a fourth time!

Bro. Robbie Stephens

Pastor Jennies Branch Baptist Church

Shallotte, NC


January 10, 2015 

I met Randy and Kathie  through a fellow pastor and friend 6 years ago. They have been a great blessing to me as a pastor and Christian.  He ministered to me tremendously through our phone conversations preparing for the our first revival. He guided me in the preparation for our revival, and taught me the importance of preparation, which proved to be vital to our church truthfully experiencing revival.  I was very touched that a man with his abilities and experience was willing to travel any where to share the gospel, this is a testimony to his and Mrs. Kathie's commitment to God. I have had the privilege to have him at the two churches that I have served. We have seen the Lord bless and strengthen our congregation through their ministry in salvation and closer relationships with God as a result of him preaching the gospel. He has been a great blessing to me personally as an encourager, teacher, and example. My family has also been greatly blessed through our relationship with this precious couple.

 "We thank God upon every remembrance of you!" Phillipians 1:3 

"Where GOD guides, He provides." (James Kennedy)


Pastor Todd Montgomery

Pleasant Plain Baptist Church

Kershaw, SC


Bro. Randy and Mrs. Kathie are such a blessing! Bro Randy was filling in for our pastor for a week, preaching awesome messages, and he encouraged the church to seek what God wanted us to do as individuals. I began seeking what God wanted me to do for His kingdom. After a year and a half of running, I  surrendered to the ministry!! God has since led my family and I from New Site, Mississippi to Helena, Montana to be an associate pastor!! God is so good, and God is using this sweet couple MIGHTILY!! I HIGHLY recommend him for any preaching opportunities.

In Christ,
Bro. Brent Crow
Associate Pastor
Capital Baptist Fellowship
Helena, Montana


I am delighted to recommend the ministry of Evangelist Randy Roberts.  God has blessed us to have Brother Randy, and his wife Kathie with us for several revival meetings.  God has gifted him to preach, and he has a servant's heart to meet the needs of the people on a personal level.  His enthusiasm for Christ and desire to help the pastor and the local church is a breath of fresh air. Should God lead you to call on Brother Randy, please do so.  You won't be disappointed.

Pastor Dennis Burks
Crow Baptist Church
Beaver, WV
(304) 763-4905

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© 2014 - Randy Roberts Evangelistic Ministries