evangelist randy roberts
evangelist randy roberts
Randy Roberts Evangelistic Ministries
Randy Roberts Evangelistic Ministries

Next Date

March 5, 6 &7

Jubliee in the Smokies 2025

Pigeon Forge, TN


                  Evangelist Randy & Kathie Roberts




     Please feel to email me at  (randyroberts1954@yahoo.com) and I will be honored to talk with you about a date.


      As I said last year the Lord has moved us back to pastoring a local church.  I will be available for revivals on a limited basis.


      If you would like to hear a sermon or listen to the radio interview, please go to our Sermon page and follow the prompts.


Dear Friends,

  In our years of evangelism we have had the honor and privilege to meet and come to love some of the most wonderful people. When we started out we had no idea what the Lord had in store for us.  During these years we have seen souls saved and people surrender to the ministry.    We praise the Lord for using us and allowing us to travel to spread his Word.  Pastors have told us of many being saved after the revival services have ended.  That is evidence of real revival.   All of this is because of the Lord’s graciousness and for all of you who have prayed for us as we traveled and shared God’s Word.


The number in our Prayer Jar continues to grow.  This tells us that there is still much work to be done.  If you have a lost person you would like us to pray for you can    e-mail us @ randyroberts1954@yahoo.com.  Our prayer has always been that God would use us to spread His Word and to see the lost saved and Christians brought closer to the Lord.    As we continue to serve we can see He is doing just that. 


 We ask that you would continue to pray for the Lord to continue to do great work this coming year.


To all Pastors and Preachers that have used us in these past years and to all that may use us in the future we say Thank You.    If we have been a blessing to you we ask that you prayerfully share our ministry with others. And may God richly bless you.

Be Encouraged,

Randy & Kathie 

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